05 Aug Guide to Visiting Jacob’s Well in Austin Texas

Jacob’s Well is a natural artisan spring in Austin Texas, that looks eerily like an entrance to the underworld! And in a way, it kind of is. The “well” actually continues deep down into a cave where the deepest part is 140ft deep and the largest chamber is 4,341 feet long! And to all claustrophobics shock, some cave scuba diver’s have even descended down there to explore for themselves…But this is NOT a guide for that!
Jacob’s Well is mostly enjoyed by swimming at the surface and cliff jumping into the dark hole. Visiting is the perfect day trip from Austin, and in this guide you’ll learn everything you need to know before going.

Visitor Information
The most important thing to know about visiting Jacob’s Well is that if you plan to swim you MUST make a reservation beforehand. This should be done online ahead of time. While Jacob’s Well natural area does accept visitors without reservations, those visitors will not be able to swim. When I visited this was strictly enforced with yellow wristbands.
After reserving online, you can visit anytime during the day on that date and stay for as long as you wish.
ENTRANCE FEE: None if you do not swim, $9 if you do.
SWIMMING AVAILABILITY: May 1 – September 30.

How to Get to JAcob's Well
Jacob’s Well is about a 45 minute drive southwest from Austin, Texas.
Once you arrive, there will be a dirt parking lot. At the entrance they will ask if you have a reservation, and if you did reserve to swim then you’ll receive a wristband.
After parking there’s a sign pointing in the direction of swimming hole, and you follow the path.

The pathway is short and mostly flat except for some stairs, and it is dirt, gravel and then rock. Flip flops may be uncomfortable and unfortunately, it probably would not be accessible to strollers or wheelchairs.

Looking for somewhere to stay in Austin?
One really beautiful hotel in Austin I recommend is The LINE which features a beautiful outdoor patio and pool with stylish, comfortable rooms. They also have free bikes available to explore. Check availability here or see other deals below.
Tips for Visiting
1. Plan ahead!
It can get busy in the summer so make those swimming reservations ahead of time and consider coming earlier in the day.
2. Wear good walking shoes
While the pathway is not difficult to walk, I can totally see it being the place where you could break a flip flop or randomly get a blister. I recommend wearing sandals and/or water shoes to Jacob’s Well
3. Come with your bathing suit already on
There’s no bathrooms or places to change except for in the wilderness so if you value privacy then come ready to jump in the water with your bathing suit on.
4. Bring water and snacks
There are no fountains or snack bars like some parks, and it’s especially important that you bring enough water. During the summer it gets VERY hot and you don’t want to get dehydrated.
5. Bring and wear sunscreen
The sun is strong especially in the middle of the day and many parts of the area are wide open. Make sure to protect your skin with sunscreen and reapply after swimming.
6. Afterwards, consider heading to Salt Lick BBQ
If you’re looking for some of the best BBQ, stop at Salt Lick on the way back to Austin.
On my USA road trip, at every southern stop locals would claim they had the best BBQ. And in my opinion, here it was true!

Other than that, there’s nothing else to it. Just get to Jacob’s Well and dive in!

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Posted at 14:34h, 12 Septembergreat post, i’ll have to take a trip up there.