08 Sep What Does “Backpacking” the World Mean and Why Do It?

You’ve probably heard this term thrown around by someone coming back from a gap year talking about how their life is changed and urging you to do it too (guilty lol). But you’re either not really sure what the hell backpacking even entails, or you think you know what it looks like based on a lot of popular assumptions. But those assumptions are not always true, and based on them you might have already decided it’s not for you but – you might be completely missing out!
So let’s break it down: what backpacking means, what people think it looks like, what it is today, and why some people (and maybe you someday) do it!
What does Backpacking mean?
Well, to be honest, the term is used rather loosely. It can refer to hiking long distances, carrying everything you need (tent, food, etc.) on your back so that you can set up camp anywhere. But the term has also evolved into a popular way to travel.
Used in this way, backpacking essentially refers to low cost traveling done by someone living minimally out of a backpack. It’s usually done for a longer period of time than a vacation would be, and because of the length of time, people usually travel to many places or countries in one trip.
Although this is the general gist of it, backpacking can look different for everyone. For example, keeping the low cost of travel has a different limit person to person, usually based on comfort. The length of time also varies, some people backpack to one country for a month, or some people take a world tour for several months or even a year+.
“So…backpacking is basically only for teenagers during a gap year or hippies hitchhiking and staying in grimy hostels, right?”
Uh..WRONG. For someone who’s never done backpacking or done research on it, you may have a lot of assumptions about what type of person does it and what it looks like. While many young people do backpack during a gap year before school, and some people do choose to hitchhike and live very frugally in simple accommodation with little resources, that is not necessarily everyone’s experience. Modern day backpacking can look different for everyone.
Breaking down the Assumptions
1. Who is backpacking for?

Now I say this because I personally have met many types of people travel backpacking and I believe it should be an inclusive experience.
Unfortunately though, this is not to say there are not demographics that are a minority in the space. This is also not to say that everyone has an equal opportunity to go or that everyone has an equal backpacking experience. Depending on a person’s demographic and who they are, they may be treated differently, have to take different precautions, avoid some places altogether, or may not even be allowed into some countries.
While this may not always be the case and it totally depends, it is important to mention because unfortunately, it is a reality of the world and not everyone has the same opportunites and experiences.
if you have assumed backpacking isn’t for you based on the lack of representation in media and misconceptions of what a backpacker looks like, think again!
That being said though, there are so many people who despite the challenges, judgments, or stereotypes still backpack! I’ve met a man is his 60’s backpacking, solo black female travelers, a nervous introverted person pushing themself out of their comfort zone, a girl who was an amputee, and so many others.
So if you have assumed backpacking isn’t for you based on the lack of representation in media and misconceptions of what a backpacker looks like, think again!
The second big assumption that people have about backpacking is that low-cost travel means staying in grungy, uncomfortable accommodation. And don’t get me wrong, sometimes that could be the case. If you’re in a less-traveled area, then you may have to settle for the one hostel there that might be shitty. At other times you might even find yourself staying with locals in a homestay (which can actually be really awesome!).
However, if that’s not your cup of tea and you’re not too desperate to spend the least amount of money, then there is a middle ground between the lowest cost accommodation and a hotel. In fact, in most well traveled places, even the cheaper options can be more than nice – even hostels!
Bali, Indonesia : The Farm Hostel
Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA : KL Skyline & Rooftop
Marrakech, Morocco : RODAMÓN RIAD
Lisbon, Portugal : Lisb'on Hostel
Bangkok, Thailand: The Yard Hostel
Super cool right?!
But the best part of hostels are usually the community. You will meet travelers from all around the world and it’s truly a unique experience.
However, if you’re still not sold or prefer some alone time here and there, another option remains: Airbnb. Airbnb has changed the game when it comes to budget travel. Around the world you can find places to stay for under $50 or even $25. And some of these places are luxury stays! Especially if you’re traveling with a friend/partner, this is definitely within the backpacker budget.
3. Living Out of A Backpack is impossible

4. Backpacking takes so much planning and coordination
Now, honestly, this assumption is 100% accurate. However, that’s not to say that anyone couldn’t do it. It used to be that backpacking meant hitchhiking, talking to strangers to find a place to stay, having a map, etc. etc. And while you can still travel this way, coordinating your backpacking trip is easier than ever. You have the internet to thank for that!
Blog posts and Pinterest will help you find cool places to see; Hostelworld, Airbnb, and Booking.com will find you a place to stay; Rome2Rio, Google Maps, and Maps.Me will tell you how to get somewhere; translation apps will help you communicate with someone; and countries now even have transportation booking websites like UBER and 12go.asia to get you around. So yes, it’s a lot of planning, but anyone who has a smart phone can do it.

Hopefully by addressing some of the assumptions surrounding backpacking, you’re asking yourself why not? But if you’re still wondering why anyone would do this, here’s the answer to your question…
Backpacking is a low-cost way to travel which means it is more accessible to people. It means that you don’t have to be rich to see the world!
Keeping accommodation and other travel costs low, means that your money can stretch and you can explore for longer. The price of backpacking for a month is often times equivalent or cheaper to that of a week of vacationing.
Backpacking for long periods of time allows you the opportunity to see many places. Many people see more of the world during one backpacking trip than most do in their entire life.
Traveling in low cost ways means you are more likely to have authentic experiences and learn about the country in which you are visiting.
Backpacking will change you. It could be a spiritual journey, a reset from life, a source of inspiration in your career, a journey of self-growth, an opportunity to meet people from around the world, a push out of your comfort zone, whatever! Everyone’s experience is different, but from every experience you will grow.
It might be the most adventurous thing you do in your life!
…So let me be that cliche person coming back from their gap year just for a minute…
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tony the tiger
Posted at 15:53h, 20 SeptemberOne picture link is broken
tony the tiger
Posted at 15:58h, 20 Septemberyou are such a talented writer!