10 Videos That Will Inspire You to Travel the World


In a world where social media is so prevalent, it’s not difficult to find travel “inspiration.” Wanderlust photos that warrant a *like* and maybe sending to a friend with the message, “We should go here!” And although you might have a bucketlist, a saved instagram folder full of influencer’s photos, or even a pinterest travel board….you still might be sitting at home doing nothing to get there yourself. The desire to travel might be there, it’s always been your dream, but are you working towards it? Are you looking up plane tickets? Are you researching countries? Are you saving the money and learning how to travel cheaply? Do you have a fire lit in you, powering the determination to do anything to make it happen? 

Most people don’t. Dreams of travel are just “someday’s.” And it’s not that you don’t want to travel or you can’t save the money. It’s simply that you’re not prioritizing something you want. It’s easy to forget about travel goals while your everyday life goes on, or to put it off for another time. What so many people lack is that real inspiration. That inspiration that turns on the lightbulb and forces you too prioritize your life. An urgency and interest that forces you into hyperfocus to get what you want. In this case, the travels you have always dreamed of.

As I mentioned, there are about a billion travel videos and photos out there. Most of which are amazing and I could sit here and recommend a thousand channels and pages to follow. But these are entertaining and may spark your interest only for the length of time you’re watching.  However, there are some videos that have messages with the power to do more than just spark your interest for a minute. They will set your mind ablaze even after you turn away from the screen, with the realization that you only have one life, one life to see the world and that you have the ability to do it; you just have to accept your power. 

Below are 10 videos that make me feel this flame and sense of inspirational urgency as well as give me the confidence and realization that I can do it, and hopefully they will for you, too.

1. Hey Tim - The Story of my Life. by Sam Kolder

Starting off with my favorite. Sam Kolder’s insane cinematics and unreal videos of the world will immediately grab your attention. But above all, the message will leave you questioning…“What will it take you?”

2. Why I Started Solo Traveling (And Why You Should, Too) by Allison Anderson

Usually I turn to vlogs for advice, planning or learning, but I didn’t think any sit down vlog could give me that heart pumping, light-switch inspiration. But this one does. Allison Anderson shares the simple math behind all the places you want to go, and how if you only travel once a year, you’ll never complete your list. It puts all your “someday” travels into perspective and how if you don’t start now they’ll be “never” travels. It’s an eye opening realization.

3. Travel More & Buy Less. by Luis Vargas on Tedx Talks

I love a good Ted Talk. And this is a great one, especially for Northern Americans. Luis Vargas puts the excuses and why people don’t travel into the spotlight and disqualifies them. He says no matter your age, “GO!” “There is never a bad time. And it’s no judgement, no competition on the level of epic or the length of time, because what’s adventure to me, and you, and you, are all different things.”

4. Life Lessons Learned Only Through Travel by Global Degree

I started following Global Degree and their adventures through South America when I was in college. I loved their channel because they made me realize how cheap travel is, therefore making it so possible. But this video is not a vlog, but rather a sharing of important life lessons that will inspire you to travel. “Realize that the only things you believe are stopping you are nothing but excuses. Because the only thing standing in the way of living your dreams, is you.”

5. Life Lessons from the Youngest Person to Travel to Every Country by Lexie Alford on Tedx Talks

Lexie Alford is a true travel inspiration; she is the youngest person to travel to every country in the world, traveling to 196 countries by age 21. In her Ted Talk she addresses how our comfort zones hold us back. Comfort zones of the physical, mental and the soul. “When we subject ourselves to genuine discomfort and plunge into the unknown, that’s when we learn to transcend the layers of our comfort zones, manage our fears, and become empowered by them. Ask yourselves, how uncomfortable are you willing to become in order to reach your fullest potential?”

6. Enjoy your Time by Antoinne Janssens

This video is more of a wanderlust type film, but I’m such a sucker for cinematics that to me it is inspiring enough to make me start pulling up the Google flights ‘Explore’ page.

7. Why It Pays to Travel by Global Degree

Many people who society has recognized as successful were influenced by their travels. In this video, that connection is highlighted and the viewer is left with an important message: “Your biggest challenge is not accomplishing great things. Your biggest challenge is admitting how much power you truly have to do them.”

8. 7 Life Lessons Learned Only Through Travel by Jay Shetty

If the previous video did not convince you that travel leads to success, then this one will. Jay Shetty uses scientific studies and statistics to show just how beneficial travel truly is to us.

9. Life Lessons from a 7 Thousand-Mile Bike Ride by National Geographic featuring Jedidiah Jenkins

Jedidiah Jenkins shares with National Geographic why he decided to go on a 7 thousand mile bike ride. “The routine is the enemy of time. It makes it fly by….I want to be aware of every day I’m alive. And I want to make it to 85 and be exhausted because I have been alive and awake every single day.”

10. Everybody Dies but Not Everybody Lives by Prince Ea

This video went viral a few years back and chances are, you’ve already seen it. However the message is so powerful, it’s worth watching over and over again to drill it into your brain. If you “kinda” want to travel it’s never going to happen. You have to make the choice to go for it NOW.

Looking for more travel inspiration or some travel tips? Check out related posts!

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